the Story of Brad and Sara

the Story of Sara and Brad

Monday, August 31

Sunday delivery

Brad and I had made plans to meet at his place around noon yesterday. I get on the bus and send him a quick text saying I was on my way.

I asked him to meet me at the bus stop by his place. He quickly responds, saying that he couldn't, he's stuck at home waiting for a package. That's fine. I get off the bus and head towards his place.

A few minutes later he asks me to pick up lunch and bring it with me. So, I turn around and go pick up lunch. This takes forever, since the place was packed. During this time I get several message from Brad asking “What's taking so long?”   “What'd you get lost?” I finally get the food and head back toward his place. I ask him to meet me outside and he responds with “Just ring the bell.” He was starting to really annoy me!

I ring the doorbell, Brad opens the door and says “Ah, my package has arrived!”

See Brad's reply re: Delivery


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